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The Future of Recruiting: Where Will AI Save the Most Time?

Published: November 11, 2018 In: Remote Hiring

Artificial Intelligence is possibly the most disruptive trend in recent time that has pervaded our lives. It’s only natural that the process of recruitment and hiring is also pushing for the inclusion of AI. Artificial intelligence is recognized as an ideal ‘intelligent’ machine which is a flexible rational agent that perceives its environment. It acts accordingly so that its chance of success is elevated to achieve certain goals.

Since we are delving into the human resource industry, what could be better than having a technology with human-like functions? This is why we have presented our insights on how AI would simplify the most complex and time-consuming tasks in the process of recruiting and managing employees.

  • AI will boost the process of candidate assessment

One of the most daunting aspects for HR departments is identifying promising candidates out of a huge number of applicants. AI follows a number of stages to maintain the recruitment workflow. This means, that more data is gathered and evaluated for each candidate.

Innovative organizations that offer AI recruitment solutions are using sophisticated algorithms to monitor the skill sets of the candidates.

Today, AI can efficiently evaluate candidates and quicken the time to hire without compromising with the quality of resources (candidates). For instance, AI can turn a 15-minute video interview into a set of 20,000 data points on intonation, facial movements, and word choice to select a candidate.

  • Reducing the bias when hiring

AI should be treated as a vital resource and not a threat. In the years to come, we will witness more soft skills/intangibles being monitored along with a psychological profile using some distinctive form of AI as a screening tool. Now, the catch here is the algorithms being designed for this new tool to be ethical and fair. To put it in a different way, hiring bias (e.g., age, gender, race) can be reduced using AI.

Companies are employing AI to automate the process of allocating tasks and believe AI’s biggest impact will be in streamlining the process of candidate screening and lowering bias. AI can keep track of the qualifications of employees who are successful in a specific role and apply the understanding to screen, rank, and grade candidates who match the job criteria.

  • Automated messaging with AI

It’s essential to keep candidates updated on their application status as your organization carries out the hiring process. However, writing messages from scratch to everyone who applies for a role isn’t all that practical.

You can incorporate template messages to your HRM software, which are automatically sent to candidates at the right time. The most common examples are when you receive their application or need to inform them they’re no longer under consideration for the job. Setting up interviews or providing an offer letter requires customized communications, but these messages can still be sent, and recorded in your recruiting software.

  • Simplifying the on-boarding process of new recruits

Conducting an elaborate orientation program is effective in case of introducing new hires to the prevailing company culture, policies, and processes. However, artificial intelligence can answer more common questions and offer new recruits with insightful resources and information that are aligned with your current programs.

This is a major factor when you consider the stats that suggest 90% of your employees forget what was discussed in your meeting, conference call or training. Information and learning reinforcement is an essential aspect and AI might be the solution that recruiters need.

  • AI will streamline learning on the job

The application of AI recruitment is still to reach the point of critical mass of data. Nowadays, experts believe that the quicker organizations will embrace AI technologies, the more convenient it will be for them to adjust to the trends in the future.

According to the experts, organizations that have adopted AI-based learning have seen remarkable results, like a 32% increase in employee productivity and a 43% surge in employee retention.

  • Enhancing the process of re-engagement

Whether it’s your CRM (customer relation management) or ATS (Applicant tracking system), candidate records often remain untouched after they apply for the job role or after the job requisition is concluded. “Artificial intelligence enables you to re-engage with an extremely targeted group of candidates to decipher their interest level in a role or position”, says Adrian Hansen, an expert on assignment help from Myassignmenthelp. In fact, it also uses the engagement opportunity to update their candidate record to highlight new positions, skills or work experiences that they might have gathered since the last time they were engaged.

  • The process of candidate outreach is easier with AI

AI will allow us to be more efficient and productive by automating the tasks.

In case of the recruitment and management of talent, AI will have the biggest impact on the interview scheduling, CV screening, and communication with candidates. However, automating tasks does not eliminate the need for people. Instead, AI automation develops more time for people to deal with bigger and more significant challenges.

  • HR compliance and case management

The job market is filled with case management software that offers the employees with resources and details based on questions asked by them. Think about a world where experiences are documented and employee investigations are handed over through an artificial intelligence tool, posing a bunch of questions and gathering details for an investigation, formal complaint, or request for information.

  • Providing complete profiling

AI may be able to provide us with more information about our future employees- where they have the most interest, how they flourish and how they will deal with the complete profiling process. More often than not different individuals with the same profile in these assessments function differently. But, we may be able to get a better idea of future employees, which hopefully will not account for personalized touch points.

  • Highlighting the profiles of the perfect candidates

It's still believed that applications and resumes are monitored before a human eye ever sees it. Most of these new ATS systems don’t yet function like that, but the belief is still persistent. That said, if AI could be developed to a point where it's able to single out the best resumes and highlight them, but still leave the rest of the resumes in queue for a recruiter to make a decision, it could be extremely advantageous. However, AI would have to account not just for the job position but the company culture as well, which might take some time to develop.

Parting thoughts,

It can be unanimously agreed upon that AI offers great possibilities to elevate the process of recruitment and talent management. It can also help to increase workplace productivity and offer more support to managers, employees and candidates.

About the Author: Alvin Hopkins is an experienced digital marketer associated with Essay Help for the past 3 years. He’s also a social activist and has been a part of several social awareness campaigns in the past.

Tags: Remote Hiring, HR Tech & AI

Written by: Alvin Hopkins

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