Blog | Talview

[Product update] Seamless hiring with new features and fixes

Written by Sushmita Gejji | Mar 10, '2020

Our every update brings you closer to Instahiring. We've improved candidate experience and fixed some bugs. You can now hire without any glitch!  

Candidate mobile app says “Hello — Ciao — Buna!”

Yes! The app is flaunting it’s multi language skills as we’ve added a new feature where candidates can use the app in Italian, Romanian or English. Now hire without the barrier of language.

Stay tuned as we add more languages!


Talview Meet + Talview Candidate app = The new Talview Candidate App!

No more double trouble of downloading separate candidate apps for live sessions and other assessment sections. With the new release, we are merging the Talview Meet and Candidate app to one Talview Candidate app for all needs of candidates.

Stay tuned, a lot more is on the way to the candidate app!


We’ve made the app better, we’ve made improvements and fixed bugs!

We've enhanced the app and fixed the bugs that were hidden away. 

  • Now have enhanced search with better filters

    Filters had one job to do and we saw they weren’t doing it right. We’ve fixed them now! Search and filter, faster and better ;)


  • Our UI keeps improving, after all we strive to serve you with the best!

    With the enhanced UI on the platform, look for spacious and full screen views, bigger action buttons, pre-filled end dates and more...


  • Your live experience is now going to be better

    We’ve improved the live report and fixed issues related to scheduling, loading the list and evaluating candidates in live sessions. Issues found while selecting the candidates, changing the statuses, notifying the scheduled and rescheduled timings, and evaluating candidates are all taken care of.


  • Little of everything adds to a large impact. We’ve fixed issues and enhanced the assessment sections for your friction free actions

    You will now be notified when there is disturbance in hardware devices such as mic. There will be no glitch while generating the third party assessment report. Candidate's assessment status, recommendation status, compilation status in code section and scores will be more accurate and on time!


TL;DR — The new features and bug fixes will provide you a seamless hiring experience. 

This is just a beginning - there are so many more new features we’d like to walk you through.

To know more, get in touch with us at