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Reasons Why Video Interviews will Modernize Your Hiring Process

Written by Mark Samuel | May 28, '2015

Technology is a big business in hiring industry. New technologies in recruitment and hiring provide a movement towards real opportunity and change. The recruiting process has undergone a change with the change in a generation. The traditional hiring process took almost 45 days to one month for hiring a candidate, and there is a mis-allocation of time and funds in the process.

 With industry averages for hiring success continuing to languish at 60 percent, technology comes to rescue the recruitment and hiring managers from their poor efficiency.

Technology has helped in the increased hiring success rates through increased speed, ease in job search, developed mobile apps, cloud storage and increased dependence on social media.

Recruiters today have adopted the video technology which has helped in shortening the hiring process and hire suitable people. According to a recent report, 65 percent of the respondents had the plan to go for video recruitment methods. As per the report, about 81 percent of the organizations were able to achieve their key performance indications through a strategic approach to video. Hiring through video experience extends the reach, elevates the brand and creates an engaging two-way dialog between the hiring organizations and prospective candidates.

We can analyze the importance of Interview video technology in a variety of aspects:

Video technology helps in employer branding. Nowadays most of the organizations show videos depicting their company as a fun and innovative place to work and showcasing their products and services and culture. For example, Godrej while launching its event called Godrej Loud, a promotion strategy for Godrej, shows videos about its work culture and how it is linked to every field of work around the globe. This helps candidates have an excellent image about the company as, just showing the job description in the form of small paragraphs doesn’t attract much more number of eyes. Video Interview technology helps employers in highlighting the opportunities that would come along and give a glimpse of success in that company, featuring their leaders, employees, and personal testimonials. According to Employer’s Resource Council, organizations are posting low-cost and high impact recruitment videos on YouTube that can be leveraged through other social websites. There are examples like recruiting videos of Google, Microsoft, Apple, Humana, etc. These recruiting videos show employee testimonials about why they prefer Google over others, unique benefits at Google and exciting projects and opportunities, how their employees can make a difference, diversities of people in their organization, benefits of some specific positions, demonstrate company culture in a fun way and include candid interviews with the employees.

Video as a screening tool has had a strong niche in the past especially in the screening process of actors, videographers, etc. As per an Aberdeen report, video screening tool helps in improving the candidate’s experience, cutting the costs and most importantly aligning the HR strategies with the organization’s vision mission and objectives. With the prospect of getting personalized video responses, recruiters know more about the candidate’s skills and the person-organization fit. Cognizant applies the video screening process to select the candidates for final interview wherein candidates give five minutes each extempore about two current topics which are taken as prerecorded interviews. This helps the recruiters test the candidate’s overall knowledge, discover the soft skills and discover the person’s passion and talents. Automated Video interview helps in earlier scheduling with the talented passive candidates too and helps in building connections for finding out the person-culture fit.

Video technology as interview tools gives a competitive advantage by reducing travel cost, accommodation cost in conducting long-distance interviews. It helps the recruiters to have a virtual face to face interaction with the advent of services such as Skype, FaceTime, and Google Hangout, etc where recruiters are leveraging virtual teleconferencing to reach out to prospective and potential candidates. It takes the form of video resumes, recorded interviews, and live interviews. This acts as an advantage for the candidates as well. Candidates can reduce their travel and in-office waiting time and streamlines the schedule of multiple interviews from different locations. For instance, a candidate could not appear for an interview due to some flight departure time-related issues and was not allowed to board the flight. This kind of situations can be done away with through video interviewing. Video interviewing helps in streaming the questions which the interviewer can use while interviewing and prevents the interviewer from getting diverted.

Once the required candidates are successfully hired, video interview serves as an On-boarding tool and helps in personalizing the new hire experience, giving proper educational materials and displaying the new hire’s exact roles and responsibilities in the organization. Most of the organizations using video hiring techniques have seen an improved cost per hire and identifying more qualified candidates from around the world. The organizations using videos are more able to achieve their organizational KPI, and this particular gives an edge when it comes to global recruitment when companies realize the importance of hiring on a global scale. Asynchronous video interviews help in coping with different time zones, and video enabled companies to gain the ability to share interviews and generate a large pool of potential hires. As it is said, that the best talent is not always located in your backyard, so the organizations can leverage the video Interviews to expand the hiring process globally.

There might be some unknown impacts too. Like, there comes a question of reliability and validity of these assessment techniques. The need here is to find an effective solution that will be aligned with the needs of the users and most importantly, experience matters a lot when it comes to using next generation technology. Also, the reliability of impression management and other behavioral techniques like eye contact and gestures is questionable, and researchers should properly study about it. However, as of now, video Interviews acts as a boon for organizations in hiring and getting the most qualified and suitable candidates in such a dynamic environment.

New to video interviewing? Check out top 12 things one should know about video interviewing in this detailed blog post.