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Why Decentralized Talent Exchange is the Future of IT-BPM Hiring

Written by Team Talview | Feb 12, '2023


The IT-BPM (Information Technology-Business Process Management) industry is a rapidly growing sector that plays a critical role in driving innovation and progress. As a result, the demand for skilled IT-BPM professionals is constantly increasing, making hiring a crucial aspect of the industry. However, despite its importance, traditional IT-BPM hiring practices are often inefficient and ineffective, leading to a range of challenges.

The need for a more efficient and cost-effective solution

The success of a company's hiring efforts has a significant impact on both its top-line and bottom-line. A company's ability to attract, hire, and retain top talent is essential for its growth and competitiveness. However, despite its importance, traditional IT-BPM hiring practices are often inefficient and ineffective, leading to a range of challenges.

One of the biggest challenges faced by the IT-BPM industry is the low rate of hiring success. Despite the large number of candidates that are interviewed, only a small percentage of them are actually hired. This is due to a number of factors, including timing, budget, and location, which can prevent even the best candidates from being hired. As a result, companies are often forced to keep searching for the right candidates, leading to longer time-to-fill periods and higher hiring costs.

Moreover, every time a candidate applies for a new role, there is often a lot of duplication of effort across the industry. Companies must repeat the entire recruitment process, including sourcing, screening, interviewing, and assessing candidates. This duplication of effort leads to higher hiring costs, a poor candidate experience, and longer time-to-fill periods.

The current hiring practices in the IT-BPM industry also result in a poor candidate experience. Candidates are often subject to long and repetitive recruitment processes, with multiple rounds of interviews and assessments. This can be both time-consuming and demotivating, leading to a negative perception of the company and the industry as a whole.

In addition to these challenges, the IT-BPM industry also faces a skills gap. There is a shortage of skilled IT-BPM professionals, making it difficult for companies to find the right candidates for their roles. This shortage of talent results in increased competition for the best candidates, leading to higher salaries and increased recruitment costs.

What is Decentralized Talent Exchange?

A. Definition and explanation

Decentralized Talent Exchange is a new and innovative approach to hiring that leverages the power of blockchain technology and AI to create a more efficient, cost-effective, and transparent hiring process. It is a decentralized network that connects job seekers and employers, allowing them to exchange information, resources, and expertise in a secure and transparent manner.

Decentralized Talent Exchange operates on the principle of decentralization, meaning that it is not controlled by any single entity. Instead, it is powered by a network of nodes that work together to provide a secure and transparent platform for exchanging information and resources. This ensures that all participants in the network have equal access to information and resources, regardless of their location, background, or experience.

One of the key features of Decentralized Talent Exchange is its use of smart contracts. Smart contracts are self-executing contracts that are automatically executed when the conditions specified in the contract are met. They provide a secure and transparent way to manage transactions and information exchange between participants in the network.

B. How it works

Decentralized Talent Exchange operates on a blockchain-based platform that is accessible to all participants in the network. Job seekers can create a profile on the platform, which includes information about their skills, experience, and qualifications. Employers can then search the platform to find suitable candidates for their open positions.

When an employer finds a candidate they are interested in, they can request more information from the candidate, including a resume, references, and other relevant materials. The candidate's information is stored on the blockchain, providing a secure and tamper-proof record of their qualifications and experience.

Once the employer has all the information they need, they can make an offer to the candidate. The offer is automatically executed as a smart contract, which ensures that the terms of the offer are met and that both parties are held accountable.

The platform also includes a number of tools and resources to help both job seekers and employers improve their hiring outcomes. For example, AI algorithms can be used to match candidates to positions based on their skills, experience, and qualifications. This helps to ensure that the right candidates are connected with the right employers, leading to better hiring outcomes.

In addition, Decentralized Talent Exchange provides a secure and transparent environment for the exchange of information and resources between participants. For example, job seekers can use the platform to access resources and information about companies, industries, and job opportunities. Employers can use the platform to share information about their company and open positions, as well as to source candidates and build their talent pipeline.

Advantages of Decentralized Talent Exchange for IT-BPM Companies

A. Cost savings through reduced recruitment costs

One of the biggest advantages of Decentralized Talent Exchange for IT-BPM companies is the potential to reduce recruitment costs. With traditional recruitment methods, companies have to pay for various costs such as advertising, agency fees, and internal HR costs. These costs can add up and significantly impact a company's bottom line.

In contrast, Decentralized Talent Exchange provides companies with access to a global network of job seekers, eliminating the need for expensive advertising and agency fees. The platform also allows companies to reuse existing talent pools, reducing the need for expensive new hires and saving time and money.

Additionally, with the use of smart contracts, Decentralized Talent Exchange eliminates the need for intermediaries and reduces the administrative overhead associated with traditional recruitment methods. This not only reduces costs but also speeds up the hiring process, making it easier and more efficient for companies to find the right candidates for their open positions.

B. Increased efficiency through the reuse of existing talent pools

Another advantage of Decentralized Talent Exchange is the ability to reuse existing talent pools. With traditional recruitment methods, companies have to start from scratch every time they need to fill an open position. This can be time-consuming and costly, especially for companies that are looking to fill multiple positions.

In contrast, Decentralized Talent Exchange provides companies with access to a global network of job seekers, making it easier for companies to reuse existing talent pools. This not only saves time and money but also helps to improve the efficiency of the hiring process, as companies can quickly find the right candidates for their open positions.

Talview Talent Exchange, for example, has joined the Velocity Network Foundation (VNF) to bring the "talent warm pool" to life. This allows enterprises to reuse hiring data using decentralized blockchain technology, called the "Internet of Careers". With this technology, companies can access a talent warm pool of qualified and interested candidates, reducing the need for expensive and time-consuming advertising and agency fees.

C. Improved hiring accuracy using data and AI

Another advantage of Decentralized Talent Exchange is the ability to improve hiring accuracy using data and AI. With traditional recruitment methods, companies have to rely on subjective information such as resumes and interviews to make hiring decisions. This can lead to inaccurate hiring decisions and result in poor candidate experiences.

In contrast, Decentralized Talent Exchange provides companies with access to a wealth of data about job seekers, including their skills, experience, and qualifications. This information can be used to match job seekers with open positions, helping to improve the accuracy of hiring decisions.

Additionally, Decentralized Talent Exchange can use AI algorithms to match job seekers with open positions, helping to ensure that the right candidates are connected with the right employers. This not only improves the accuracy of hiring decisions but also helps to reduce the time it takes to fill open positions, making the hiring process more efficient.

D. Access to a wider pool of talent from a global network

Finally, another advantage of Decentralized Talent Exchange is the ability to access a wider pool of talent from a global network. With traditional recruitment methods, companies are limited to the talent pools available in their local area. This can result in missed opportunities to find the right candidates for open positions.

In contrast, Decentralized Talent Exchange provides companies with access to a global network of job seekers, making it easier for companies to find the right candidates for their open positions. This not only expands the talent pool but also provides companies with access to a wider pool of diverse and qualified candidates


Decentralized talent exchange represents a major shift in the way that IT-BPM companies hire talent and how job seekers find job opportunities. With its ability to reduce costs, increase efficiency, and improve the accuracy and fairness of the hiring process, it is no wonder that this model is rapidly gaining traction. By leveraging the power of blockchain technology and AI, talent exchange offers a new, more effective way to find the right people for the right jobs.

One such solution that embodies these benefits is Talview Talent Exchange. Talview has joined the Velocity Network Foundation (VNF) to bring the "talent warmpool" to life, which enables enterprises to reuse hiring data using decentralized blockchain technology called the "Internet of Careers". This solution is also a token-based career credentialing system that allows individuals to own and control their career data, making it easier for organizations to find the right candidate for the job.

In the face of an ever-changing job market, it is important for companies to embrace new and innovative ways of hiring. By joining Talview Talent Exchange, organizations can be part of the talent revolution and the future of hiring in the IT-BPM industry. This is an opportunity to move away from traditional, inefficiencies methods of hiring and to embrace a more cost-effective, efficient, and accurate way of finding the right talent for the job.