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Importance of interview training to maximise interview success

Published: February 23, 2023 In: Interview Tips

Interviews are a critical part of the hiring process. A well-conducted interview can provide valuable insight into a candidate's personality, experience, and cultural fit. However, not all interviewers are equally skilled or trained. Untrained interviewers may ask inappropriate questions, miss important details, or make decisions based on their biases. In this blog post, we'll explore the importance of training interviewers to maximize interview success.

Understanding the role of the interviewer

Interviewers play a vital role in the hiring process. They are responsible for evaluating candidates, assessing their qualifications, and determining whether they are a good fit for the role and the organization. Untrained interviewers may struggle to do this effectively, leading to poor hiring decisions.

Benefits of interviewer training

Investing in interviewer training can yield significant benefits for the organization, including:

1. Improved interviewer skills

Trained interviewers have a better understanding of the interview process, which allows them to conduct more thorough and insightful interviews.

2. Increased accuracy and consistency in interviewing

Interviewer training can help ensure that all candidates are evaluated using the same criteria, reducing the risk of bias and ensuring a fair and consistent hiring process.

3. Better candidate experience

A well-conducted interview can provide candidates with a positive impression of the organization, even if they are not ultimately hired. This can help improve the organization's reputation and make it easier to attract top talent in the future.

4. Legal compliance and anti-discrimination training

Interviewers need to be aware of the legal requirements around interviewing, including what questions are illegal or discriminatory. Anti-discrimination training can help ensure that interviewers treat all candidates fairly, regardless of their race, gender, or other characteristics.

5. Interviewing techniques and best practice

Interviewer training should provide guidance on how to conduct effective interviews, including how to ask open-ended questions, active listening, and how to assess candidates' qualifications and fit for the role.

6. Company culture and values training

Interviewers should be trained on the company's culture and values to ensure that they are evaluating candidates based on their fit with the organization's mission and values.

7. Practice and feedback sessions

To maximize the benefits of interviewer training, interviewers should have the opportunity to practice their skills and receive feedback from their peers and trainers.


Methods for implementing interviewer training

There are several methods for implementing interviewer training, including:

Internal training programs:

Organizations can develop internal training programs that are tailored to their specific needs and culture.

External training resources:

There are many external resources available, including books, videos, and online courses, that can provide valuable training for interviewers.

Mentorship and coaching programs:

Pairing experienced interviewers with less-experienced colleagues can provide valuable on-the-job training and feedback.

Ongoing evaluation and improvement:

Organizations should regularly evaluate the effectiveness of their interviewer training programs and make changes as necessary to improve outcomes.

How interview insights technology can help in interview training

In addition to traditional interviewer training methods, organizations can also leverage interview insights technology to improve their interviewer training programs. Interview insights technology uses machine learning algorithms to analyze interview recordings and provide feedback to interviewers on their performance. This technology can be particularly helpful for interviewer training in the following ways:

1. Objectivity:

Interview insights technology provides objective feedback that is not influenced by personal biases, allowing interviewers to get an accurate assessment of their strengths and weaknesses.

2. Identifying patterns:

The technology can identify patterns in interviewer behavior and highlight areas that require improvement. For example, it can identify whether an interviewer tends to ask closed-ended questions, interrupt candidates, or exhibit other behaviors that can negatively impact the interview.

3. Real-time feedback:

Interview insights technology can provide real-time feedback during the interview process, allowing interviewers to make adjustments and improve their performance on the spot.

4. Customization:

Interview insights technology can be customized to align with the organization's specific interview process and requirements, ensuring that interviewers receive targeted feedback that is relevant to their role.

Talview Interview Insights

Talview Interview Insights is an AI-powered technology that analyzes interview recordings to provide comprehensive feedback to interviewers. This technology can be particularly helpful for interviewer training in the following ways:

  • Objectivity:

    Talview Interview Insights provides objective feedback that is not influenced by personal biases, allowing interviewers to get an accurate assessment of their performance.
  • Identifying patterns:

    The technology can identify patterns in interviewer behavior and highlight areas that require improvement. For example, it can identify whether an interviewer tends to ask closed-ended questions, interrupt candidates, or exhibit other behaviors that can negatively impact the interview.
  • Customization:

    Talview Interview Insights can be customized to align with the organization's specific interview process and requirements, ensuring that interviewers receive targeted feedback that is relevant to their role.
  • Real-time feedback:

    Talview Interview Insights provides real-time feedback during the interview process, allowing interviewers to make adjustments and improve their performance on the spot.
  • Competency-based evaluation:

    Talview Interview Insights evaluates competencies such as communication skills, problem-solving skills, and team collaboration skills to help interviewers improve their overall performance.
  • Candidate sentiment analysis:

    The technology also analyzes the sentiment of the candidate's responses, helping interviewers understand how the candidate felt about the interview process and their overall experience.

Interview insights technology can be a valuable tool for organizations looking to improve their interviewer training programs. By leveraging machine learning algorithms and real-time feedback, organizations can help interviewers develop the skills and knowledge necessary to make informed hiring decisions that benefit the organization and the candidates.


Investing in interviewer training can yield significant benefits for the organization, including improved interviewer skills, increased accuracy and consistency in interviewing, reduced legal risks, and a better candidate experience. To maximize these benefits, organizations should provide comprehensive training that covers key areas such as interviewing techniques, legal compliance, company culture and values, and practice and feedback sessions.

By doing so, organizations can ensure that their interviewers are equipped with the skills and knowledge necessary to make informed hiring decisions that benefit both the organization and the candidates.

Tags: Interview Tips, Data-Driven Training, future hiring trends

Written by: Team Talview

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