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Streamlining Recruitment Process

Published: January 16, 2019 In: Recruitment Best Practices

An employee leaving your company can cause so many problems nowadays, especially if your company policy is operating a 2-week notice period. Of course, the recruitment process to replace and fill these vacancies takes a lot longer than this to process, and it can be hard to keep your business running smoothly.

However, now that we’re into 2022, it’s time to change. This is the year businesses around the world are taking it upon themselves to change in a positive way, ensuring traditional problems like long recruitment processes are eliminated almost completely.

streamlining workflow

With this in mind, today we’re going to explore five key ways any business can enhance and shorten their recruitment drives, helping you get the staff you need in no time at all.


How to Streamline Business Recruitment Process

1. Optimise Your Progress

The first thing you’re going to want to do is to go through your current recruitment process and see where there are areas you can cut back on or optimise to perform better. For example, in the past you might have used one-on-one interviews to get to know the candidates, but you might now opt for groups.

While this might seem like you’re not getting the best results because you’re unable to focus solely on an individual, with careful question and activity planning, this method can be just as effective.

2. Enhancing Your Application Process

Let’s take a look at exactly how people are able to apply for jobs in your business. Do they have to write out a resume, send it over to you with a cover letter and then you’ll go through them manually? If so, you’re using the longest possible method that also turns a lot of people away, ultimately making your recruitment process even longer.

“Think about the current technology that’s available and how it can help you. As a rule of thumb, you’ll want to make your applications online, as well as ensuring they’re mobile-friendly and short, allowing everybody to have an easy experience, making your recruitment pool far wider and more accurate” explains Alex Davis, an HR Manager for Eliteassignmenthelp and Bigassignments.

Know why a paper resume isn't the best way to gauge talent

3. Using a Digital Application System

When recruiting, one of the most time-consuming processes is going through all the applications to try and spot the person you want for the job. If you have 100 applicants but only a handful of recruitment employees, this can be incredibly long-winded.

Instead, many businesses are opting to use an applicant tracking system. This is a way you can digitally monitor and manage your applications, as well as use built-in functions like Keyword Searching, to help you easily find the employee you’re looking for.

4. Stay in Contact with Potential Applicants

Due to the fact that the recruitment process can take a long time, it’s not uncommon for applicants to lose interest in a company taking so long, which means you could be missing out on the top talent, as well as having to promote the vacancy for more applicants continuously.

“To stop this from happening, you’ll want to make sure you’re maintaining contact with your applicants, perhaps even sending them weekly or bi-weekly emails letting them know the progress of the recruitment drive and what they can expect from you” shares Michelle Turner, a Project Manager for Academized and Australian Help.

This is only a common courtesy, and not only makes you a better company to work for, but also helps you find the right, and best, people for the job.

5. Defining Your Search Terms

A lot of time can be wasted during the recruitment process due to the fact the hiring company isn’t actually sure what they’re looking for in their ideal candidate. This is why it’s so important to spend time, in the beginning, defining exactly what kind of person you want.

To optimise this part of the process even further, make a list of skills and a list of personality traits that you’re looking for that will also fit the culture of your company. Prioritise your list, so it’s even clearer what you’re looking for.

The more time you can spend on this aspect at the beginning of your recruitment drive, the better you’ll be able to define your perfect candidate, which means the easier you’ll be able to find the closest person to it.


As you can see, there are lots of ways you can go about optimising your recruitment drive and employment process, all with the aim of getting the job done with the best results. Since every company is different, the best thing to remember is to analyse what you’re currently doing now and then look for new ways to improve.

Identify bottlenecks in your current process and look for how laborious tasks can be optimised and enhanced to provide better, faster results. Don’t forget to research what kind of technology is out there that can help!

Author's bio:

Freddie Tubbs is an HR manager at Ukwritings. He helps companies create better business documentation, and writes columns for Boomessays and Essayroo blogs.

Tags: Recruitment Best Practices

Written by: Freddie Tubbs

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