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Collaborative Recruiting with Talview and Microsoft Teams

Published: May 28, 2020 In: Talview News & Events

Talent acquisition and recruiting is an inherently collaborative process.  Recruiters find themselves at the center of a process that includes multiple stakeholders including the candidates, hiring managers, and interview panels.  Coordinating that process requires regular communications between those stakeholders to ensure everyone is on the same page.  Every delay in communications puts you at risk for losing a great candidate to a competitor.

Unfortunately, today collaboration often results in a giant wait game.  From waiting for a response to emails regarding edits to a job description, to finding open time on interview panel members calendars, to waiting for a hiring manager to respond to repeated emails and voicemails to get a hiring decision on a candidate.  Meanwhile the candidate experience suffers as candidates wait, or worse, accept an offer elsewhere.  In fact, over 60% of candidates drop out of the hiring process due to dissatisfaction with how long the hiring process takes.

Recruiting has slowly begun to digitize over the past couple of decades.  Job postings have migrated from newspaper classified advertisements to online job boards.  Paper applications have largely been replaced by online applications that feed applicant tracking systems.  But communication between recruiter, hiring manager, and interview panel have largely remained unchanged the last 20 years.  Email, voice mail, and face to face meetings remain the primary communication tools today.  It is time to digitally transform and streamline communications in recruiting.

Fast and seamless communication is the lubricant for unleashing the magic powers of recruiters and making happy hires.  New tools like Microsoft Teams streamline communications and recruiting processes to help reduce your time to hire.  Microsoft Teams is a hub for teamwork providing chat, meetings, collaboration on applications, and business process workflows.

Talview is excited to announce our new Microsoft Teams integration.  With Teams, Talview adds powerful real-time collaboration capabilities to enable every member of the hiring team to streamline their communication and speed the time to hire.  Hiring teams will have one place to go for scheduling, updating, and communicating about hiring decisions, eliminating collaboration bottlenecks that create hiring lag.  Talview is the only hiring platform to harness the power of Teams.

Talview’s Team’s integration will initially enable recruiters, hiring managers, and interview panel members the ability to schedule and reschedule interviews using a “bot” interface that is simple and intuitive requiring no training on Talview to use.  A hiring manager could reschedule an interview on their own if needed to keep the hiring process moving quickly.  But that’s not all, Talview’s Teams integration will continue to be enhanced over the upcoming year.

Those enhancements will enable everyone involved in recruiting candidates to work more collaboratively and efficiently.  Teams supports “actionable messages” that enable a recipient to input data from an instant message that then immediately flows into Talview and your ATS enabling the recipient of the message to more efficiently update status. This real-time collaboration enables instantaneous communication of status, eliminating lag, and speeding the time to hire.


Microsoft Teams


Future enhancements will support embedding Talview functionality directly into a Teams “tab”.  Bringing Talview into Teams enables users to stay in one place to get their work done and to communicate on that work.  This eliminates context switching between Talview and other applications like email.  How many times have you switched over to email to find an update on a candidate and then been distracted by an unrelated email?  Tabs eliminate the need to switch applications and can bring instant messaging communication directly into Talview to help you maintain focus and save time.


Microsoft Teams


Finally, we will be bringing a mobile experience to Talview’s Teams integration.  Imagine finishing up an interview with an exceptional candidate before rushing out the door to your child’s sporting event at school.  You didn’t have time to complete feedback to recommend a hire before leaving the office.  With Talview on Teams you can be reminded to fill out feedback via an “actionable message” on your smartphone where you can provide your feedback and hire recommendation to make sure an offer goes out quickly.

Talview is super excited to partner with Microsoft Teams to bring this game changing technology to market.  Reducing time to hire is a north star metric for recruiters.  Talview plus Teams digitally transforms collaboration to enable a fast, efficient, and modern recruiting experience.  Click here to learn more or schedule a demo.

Tags: Talview News & Events

Written by: Dan Arildson

Dan Arildson is the VP of Channel, Alliances & Business Development at Talview. He partners with Microsoft and other industry partners to drive immediate and long-term value. He enjoys working with highly cross-functional teams to influence, align, and coordinate resources to deliver the desired business and technical results.

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