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Common Volume Hiring Challenges in the IT-BPM Industry

Published: January 25, 2023 In: HR Technology

Volume hiring, or the process of recruiting a large number of candidates in a short period of time, is becoming increasingly common in the Information Technology and Business Process Management (IT-BPM) industry. This industry is one of the fastest-growing sectors in the world, driven by the increasing demand for technology solutions and services. With the rapid growth in this industry, there is a huge demand for skilled professionals in various job roles. However, volume hiring in the IT-BPM industry comes with its own set of challenges, and it is crucial for organizations to be aware of these  to ensure that they can recruit the best talent in a cost-effective and efficient manner. 

1. Identifying the Right Candidates:

One of the biggest challenges in volume hiring is identifying the right candidates for the job. The IT-BPM industry is vast, and organizations need to find professionals with specific skills and qualifications for various job roles. This can be a difficult task, especially when dealing with large volume of applications. To overcome this challenge, organizations can use automated systems to screen and filter candidates based on their qualifications, skills, and experience. Additionally, organizations can also use assessments and interviews to evaluate candidates' skills and qualifications more effectively. 

2. Managing the Recruitment Process:

With a large number of candidates to evaluate, it can be difficult for organizations to keep track of applications status  and maintain an efficient hiring process. Organizations need to ensure that their recruitment process is transparent and easy to understand, while also keeping in mind the importance of candidate experience. To optimize the recruitment process, organizations can use automated systems to manage the process and provide real-time updates to candidates on the status of their applications.

3. Ensuring Quality of Hire:  

In the IT-BPM industry, organizations need to recruit professionals who have the right skills and qualifications to meet the demands of the job role. However, recruiting at scale can make it difficult to assess each candidate thoroughly, leading to a potential drop in the quality of hires. To ensure good quality hires , organizations can use automated systems for screening and assessment of candidates, which can help to ensure that only the most qualified candidates are selected for the job. Additionally, organizations can also conduct multiple rounds of interviews and assessments to evaluate candidates more thoroughly and make sure that they are a good fit for the job role and the organization.

4. Time-to-Hire:  

Organizations need to fill job openings quickly to keep pace with the fast-changing technology landscape. However, recruiting at scale can slow down the hiring process, leading to delays in filling job openings. To  reduce time to hire, organizations can automate repetitive and time-consuming tasks such as screening resumes and scheduling interviews to speed up the process. Additionally, organizations can also use technology such as video interviewing to conduct initial screenings more quickly and efficiently. 

5. Managing the Candidate Experience:  

With a large number of candidates, it can be difficult for organizations to provide a positive and personalized experience for each candidate. This can lead to dissatisfaction among candidates and a decline in the quality of applications in the future. To overcome this challenge, organizations can use automated systems to communicate with candidates regularly and provide real-time updates on the status of their applications. Additionally, organizations can also make sure to provide clear communication on the recruitment process and the expectations of the role, to keep candidates informed and engaged throughout the hiring process. 

In the IT-BPM industry, Several job Roles Typically Require High Volume Hiring: 

Working in IT company

1. Software Developers and Programmers:

With the rapid advancement of technology, organizations in the IT-BPM industry are always in need of software developers and programmers to create and maintain software systems. These professionals work on a wide range of projects, including web development, mobile application development, and database management. 

2. Business Analysts:

Business Analysts play a crucial role in this  industry, they are responsible for identifying and analyzing business needs and translating them into technical requirements. These professionals are in high demand due to the increasing use of technology in businesses, making them one of the most common roles. 

3. Data Analysts:

Data Analysts play an important role in the IT-BPM industry, they are responsible for collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data to help organizations make informed business decisions. With the explosion of data, the role of data analysts has become more critical and requires a high volume of hires. 

4. Quality Assurance and Testing Professionals:

Quality assurance and testing professionals   ensure that the software and systems developed meet the required quality standards. They are in high demand as the software development process becomes more complex, requiring more intensive testing and quality assurance processes. 

5. Technical Support Specialists:

Technical Support Specialists provide support to customers and clients who use the software and systems developed by the IT-BPM industry. As the software becomes more complex and users become more diverse, the demand for technical support specialists increases. 

These are just a few examples of job roles that typically require high volume hiring in the IT-BPM industry. With the fast-paced nature of the technology sector, new job roles and skill sets are emerging all the time, and companies need to stay current to remain competitive. 


IT-BPM hires the highest number of employees and has a total workforce of 3.9 million professionals in India. The industry grew by 14% in FY22 and will continue to grow at a fast pace in the coming years. To complement this growth, companies need to hire good and fast, overcoming the challenges to remain competitive.   

Tags: HR Technology

Written by: Team Talview

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