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Top 3 Hiring Challenges in the Health Sciences Industry

Published: January 02, 2017 In: Remote Hiring

Employers in the pharma and biotechnology sectors can face many special hiring challenges in efforts to attract and retain top talent. By recognizing these challenges and the impact they can have on hiring - HR teams throughout the healthcare industry can improve their chances of success in both attracting and retaining top quality job candidates.

In the pharma space, several factors remain especially important for HR teams to understand and anticipate:

The Need for Specialized Talent

Pharma companies must now often identify candidates with highly specialized science, research, and product development experience. Recruitment efforts even for individual positions must often cast a wide net, including outreach to other countries.

Go Location Specific or Not

Limiting candidates to your location can cripple your search for the right talent. Many times great candidates from across time zones and geographies are worthy of your money, they require to work off-site and that's an option that should be made available.

Maintaining Corporate Culture

New hires are interested in a corporate environment that is collegian with multiple opportunities for shared learning, meaningful social interaction with colleagues, and opportunities for professional development and advancement. HR teams must take steps to highlight the key attributes of a corporate culture to attract top quality candidates, and they must monitor for changes that can negatively affect an established corporate culture. HR teams must often plan strategically to help maintain and nurture a corporate culture during these periods.

At Talview, we provide a 360 degree solution to the above mentioned pharmaceutical sector's hiring requirements. Our intelligent recruitment platform's hiring analytics offers insights into candidate's persona and hence has proven to drastically reduce the time taken to hire. Automated Video Interview allows HR executives to share the assessments with panel members for a team review.

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Tags: Remote Hiring, HR Tech & AI, Recruitment Best Practices

Written by: Aabha Khosla

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