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Mobile Recruitment - A Hiring Method You Should've Opted Yesterday

Published: March 09, 2017 In: Remote Hiring


01 Introduction

Recruiting methods don’t matter if you are a small or big business or a huge corporation, but if you have not gone mobile with your recruiting methods, you are definitely way behind in the candidate’s line of a prospective employer.

The trend has already started - a considerable portion of the talent comes to your company via a mobile recruiting experience. Candidates access your career website on mobile, apply on mobile, and communicate with your recruiters & hiring managers on mobile.

94% of candidates want to see current job openings on the mobile career site.

Start using smartphone for hiring & engagement. This opens up a huge opportunity to attract and engage the right talent. So, if your company doesn’t have one, you should be writing an email to the manager suggesting your company employ a mobile strategy for talent engagement and acquisition.

72% of visitors to a mobile career site expect to find a description of the company culture.

Get a grip on the mobile landscape; mobile has most capabilities that desktop does and many additional capabilities like front & back cameras, multiple sensors, and better audio features.

54% employees read company reviews from employees on their mobiles. 52% candidates research salary information.

Leverage Mobile for:

  • Assessments
  • Interviews
  • Onboarding
  • Engagement
  • Career Sites

It not only allows job seekers to stay connected with your brand 24x7 through updates and notifications - it allows them to respond to new jobs or queries from a recruiter in real-time. It only makes sense for companies to meet the job seeker’s needs and offer an engagement tool on mobile.

45% candidates are drawn to mobile career sites.

02 Current Trends in Talent Acquisition Ecosystem

Innovating recruitment is vital - companies struggle to fill jobs on a global basis despite the high unemployment rate worldwide. There’s an obvious mismatch between the available roles in organizations and the talent in the global pool. Is the outdated hiring process to be blamed for it?

Desktops and laptops belong to the past generation. 2015 has already been termed the “Year of Mobile Recruiting,” there are more phones than toothbrushes worldwide.

If you haven’t already adopted mobile-app in the hiring process then you are missing out on a candidate base that was probably only meant for your company. 

03 Simplifying Discovery and Identification via Mobile

Identifying competent candidates for the set job description is the first step to hiring someone. You could identify them over a wide array of options including, employment websites, social media networks, contextual searches, location-based searches, or employee referral hiring. Candidates will update their profiles on a platform which is mobile based more frequently than the web since they have 24x7 access to it and this ensures that you are searching through relevant profiles.

45% of job seekers use their mobile device specifically to search for jobs at least once a day. Having a mobile career site makes it easier for the candidates to apply for jobs and as a result, you have better candidate pool.

Studies also suggest that job seekers search for jobs on mobile more often than on any other device. Therefore, recruiters must ensure that all the job openings should be accessible to candidates via mobile for increasing the probability of them getting discovered.

With Mobile Recruitment, you can:

  • Enhanced experience for candidates
  • Communicate critical information
  •  Leverage social media

Candidates are curious to know what it’s like to work for you before they apply for the job. It is important to consider how you communicate this information. Most candidates expect companies to be active on social media - this adds to the employer branding.


04 Real time Engagement of Candidates

This phase in the hiring space is very crucial - candidates keep receiving job alerts every day. Offering them with company insights, why your company is a better place to work at and facilities provided - are a few things that recruiters must consider.

75.4% of the recruiters never asked about candidate experience prior to the survey.

A mobile app is quintessential in this phase - it is interactive, let’s you have a control over what message is sent out. Candidates can initiate conversations over chat with recruiters to clear any query they have about the job description. Recruiters can then launch a virtual interaction broadcast session with prospective hires. This is a necessary step in hiring to ensure that you hire the best candidate, not the next best.

Responding to queries on mobile app will not only help you portray your company as technologically sound, it also creates a brand for your company. You can also track candidate activity in your app, measure engagement level and ensure the candidate receives relevant information during the job search.

05 One-touch Apply and Acknowledgement of Application

Having a mobile-based application form is one of the most critical aspects in the mobile based hiring spectrum. An application form which is readily available and easy to fill; expedites the hiring process by significantly reducing the time to fill applications.

In addition to this most recruitment based mobile apps have provision to pull information from social networks like Linkedin which pre-populates application forms for the job.

68% of the candidates rated the employers with 3 or more stars out of 5 on their overall candidate experience.

Acknowledging candidate application is important - letting them know that their application is important to the company. An HR executive is usually burdened with tasks, manually acknowledging hundreds of applications is encumbering.

80% of those candidates weren’t hired.

Hence, using a mobile app to convey this to the applicants makes recruiters’ life easy. Recruiters can send reminders to candidates to fill required forms are over SMS and IVR - no follow up mails or calls to furnish full details. The mobile app can also be used to sift through applications quickly and invite them for the next process - Screening.


06 Screening Candidates on Mobile

Gauging candidate competency is important, resumes alone don’t give you insights into a candidate’s persona. Scheduling for a direct interview can be daunting for candidates as traveling, taking leaves or canceling on existing plans can be difficult. It will also be counter productive for the employer to invest time in meeting every candidate who has applied.

According Harvard Business Review, “Humans are very good at eliciting information — but they’re bad at weighing the results, a simple equation outperforms human decisions by at least 25%.

Assessments or digital video interviews over mobile app gives candidates the convenience of taking assessments at home. There are assessment tools offered on a mobile app that provides video proctoring and fraud detection notifications to ensure the authenticity of the test.

07 Hassle Free Selection over Online Live Interviews

The initial screening process helps you weed out most of the misfits. At this stage, recruiters usually call for a one-on-one interview for further understanding of the candidate - but time and resources are always a constraint, scheduling and multiple cancellations are annoying.

89% believe a mobile device is an important tool for job searching.

Online video interviews allow recruiters to speak with candidates remotely over a streamlined platform, allowing recruiters to save a lot of time and money on both ends. These online tests can be taken on mobile as well as a desktop.

Hiring Over Smarphones offers:

  • Convenience and flexibility
  • Engagement with candidates on the move
  • Expediteed hiring process

There are multiple applications for a job and it is always best if you can record the interview for future reference. You could share the interview among peers or with the hiring managers.


08 Onboarding: New Hire Paperwork Over Mobile

Once the candidates have been selected, it is important that the credentials be thoroughly checked. With a mobile app, candidates can scan documents and share it with recruiters for internal processing or send it to external vendors for a background check.

This ensures no time has been wasted or no manual labor is put in to verify candidate claims. Once the verification comes through, it’s time for on-boarding and induction.

43% of candidates lie on their resume about, among which:

  • 27% lie about Salary
  • 15% lie about Time spent in a job
  • 17% lie about Skills
  • 19% lie about Previous job responsibilities
  • 12% lie about Credentials

Onboarding is the most awaited process of hiring; time taken to convert a candidate into an employee matters most to HR executives. This process can be a lot smoother over a mobile app. Employers can share updates, videos and reading material that will help the candidates understand more about the company and the team s/he is joining.

Unabating communication and real-time availability at this stage ensure that there is less dropout. It can also be used for preliminary training of the candidates so that they can hit the ground running.


09 Conclusion

The process of talent acquisition can be taxing on HR executives. The entire recruitment process can be a lot easier provided there’s an app that takes care of all these six phases in hiring a candidate.

Researchers predict that world’s population roughly 7.5 billion will be surpassed by the number of mobile devices by 2016.

Talview, an intelligent hiring platform offers world’s first Candidate Interaction App. It is an all-in-one solution that facilitates Identification, Candidate Engagement, Assessments and Paperwork during induction.

It is a tool every HR executive must have - an answer to all the hiring problems and a striking feature on the company’s profile.

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Tags: Remote Hiring, Recruitment Best Practices

Written by: Pavana KR

I am a seasoned expert in my field, with several years experience behind me. I have a proven success record, with a focus on strategic projects and helping to build successful, effective teams that are motivated and goal-oriented.

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