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Webinar Summary: Get an Edge In the New World of Virtual Campus Recruitment

Published: August 11, 2020 In: Talview News & Events

After COVID-19 shook the world out of normalcy, recruiters and hiring managers face added pressure as the campus recruiting season approaches its peak.

Given the scenario, Talview decided to host a knowledge-sharing webinar for recruiters, hiring managers, and Talent Acquisition practitioners on the emerging new world of online campus recruitment, covering ways to develop virtual campus recruitment strategies, best practices, relevant assessments, the way forward, and more.

The webinar was conducted by Rajeev Menon, Strategic Advisor at Talview at Talview, and Vikas Dua, HR Mentor at Attayn, who addressed questions on what matters when you go virtual with campus recruitment.

But here’s the twist: webinars seldom have time to answer questions from the audience and miss out on a crucial part of any learning session — having a two-way conversation and clarifying the audience’s doubts. Our team wanted to do things differently and decided to take questions from the attendees beforehand and weave the webinar around them.

Virtual Campus Recruitment FAQs

In this webinar, Rajeev and Vikas started by explaining how the shift towards online education and eLearning is the way forward, not just because of COVID-19, but for better outcomes in the ever-changing ecosystems of businesses. The webinar covered topics such as:

  • New-age relevant assessments for today's workforce
  • Candidate engagement and pre-evaluation in the virtual landscape
  • Maintaining process integrity
  • Standing out as a brand to digitally native Gen Z students
  • Virtual offer and on-boarding
  • Hiring Should Not Be A Blackbox - Compliance & Audit

Rajeev shed some light on the vast difference between offline and online campus recruitment. He calls the offline campus drives a “logistical nightmare” and a “Herculean effort” in terms of the time and resources it utilizes due to its age-old method of practice (refer to the image below).

Most big organizations visit the same top 500 campuses every year and compete for the same set of top-performing students. This adds immense pressure on organizations to find the right talent for their vacant roles.

Old way of campus hiring drives

Then, Rajeev stated how the fast-track adoption of virtual campus recruitment is the only way out. Virtual campus recruitment changes the whole game of campus hiring by shifting focus to efficient and futuristic methods of evaluation.

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Vikas, who has several years of experience organizing campus recruitment drives, deconstructed a new approach to campus recruitment, which is online, timely, and candidate-friendly.

Introducing the audience to a new 3-phase solution to campus hiring, he compared campus hiring to a “Swayamwar” — an ancient Indian wedding concept wherein many prospective suitors gather amid the bride’s family so that the bride can choose to marry one of them.

“Recruitment is like organizing a wedding, and campus hiring is like the Swayamwar of talent acquisition.” - Vikas Dua
New Campus Recruiting Approach

As Gen Z occupies 20% of the total workforce this year, Vikas and Rajeev both described the first phase of the new campus recruitment approach by emphasizing the importance of candidate engagement and building brand persona in the new age of campus hiring. They gave the audience various real-life examples, use-cases, and success stories that could be used as easy first steps to developing a great candidate engagement process.

“Branding is a supercritical element in hiring...It’s like garbage-in garbage-out. You need to be able to attract the best students in from a diverse bunch of campuses to be able to have an effective campus hiring strategy and have good talent coming in.” - Rajeev Menon

Phase two redefined how TA practitioners should evaluate candidates from traditional cognitive, aptitude, and language assessments to something like having a remote ready index, or a culture fitment test. This is important now due to the changing priorities of today’s workforce — remote work, learning as a cornerstone, and healthy work cultures driving business outcomes.

On the topic of remote selection, Rajeev spoke about the competence of video interviews as not only a great way to emphasize your brand values to the candidate but also to provide the best candidate experience by positioning yourself as a mobile-first organization to the digitally native Gen Z.

Virtual Campus Recruitment FAQs

Rajeev also answered the lingering question of whether Zoom or Skype can be used to conduct job interviews. And the answer was a big no! Want to know why?

Tap on the image below to watch the full webinar and have all your questions about designing your virtual campus recruitment roadmap answered.

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Tags: Talview News & Events, Campus Recruitment

Written by: Olivia Gomes

Olivia is a Content Marketer at Talview. She completed her graduation in English Literature and MBA specializing in HR, so she combined her two interests and now writes about HR tech updates and latest trends in the world of talent acquisition. Her other interests are traveling, writing, and deconstructing the psyche of people around her.

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