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Talview Upcoming Events

Published: April 21, 2022 In: Talview News & Events

April and May at Talview 

We have a busy few weeks in front of us here at Talview, with an in-person event and webinars centered around talent acquisition and hiring technologies as well as emerging trends in the HR industry. 

  • Monday, April 25, HR Retail Conference in-person 
  • Thursday, May 5, Insights on Enterprise Hiring: Survey Results Review Webinar 
  • Wednesday, May 11, No More Bad Hires: Pre-hire Assessments and Their Role in Fair and Predictable Hiring Webinar  

The paradigms of work continue to change and evolve in 2022 as the world moves out of the pandemic lockdown. Developing models of work – remote, in-office, or hybrid – continue to be debated and explored, particularly in the enterprise space. For many HR and talent acquisition professionals, hiring has never presented such a challenge, even without considering factors like the great resignation. 

New HR and TA technologies hold out the promise of an efficient solution to remote hiring, digital interviews, and online proctoring and assessments. As always, not all software solutions are created equal, which is why conferences and webinars hold such value for everyone involved. 


HR Retail Request a Meeting

HR Retail Conference for Retail and eCommerce  

HR Retail returns to an on-site, in-person format. The latest HR technologies to support retail and ecommerce organizations will be on display at HR Retail 2022, April 25-26, in Austin, TX.   

In the wake of a major disruption and on-going changes in workforce needs, retail is heading into the next decade with a lot of questions and uncertainties. HR Retail features sessions on innovating talent recruitment, embracing remote interviewing and hiring, and refocusing on workplace culture.  

Talview will host a roundtable session at the conference, Measurement & Candidate Insights - Finding the Best-Fit Candidates Quickly and Confidently. Our session takes place Monday, April 25, at 1:05 PM. 

We will be in attendance on the floor in Booth #208. Join us for the roundtable session, stop by our booth, or schedule a meeting with us to get your questions answered. We look forward to meeting you there.  



Forrester Webinar

Insights on Enterprise Hiring: Survey Results Review

Today’s talent market is putting increased pressure on talent acquisition leaders to rethink their attraction, recruiting, and screening strategies.  

Talview commissioned Forrester Consulting to explore the state of talent acquisition processes at large US companies. By surveying 150 senior leaders responsible for TA technology, we sought to understand the role modernized hiring tools can have on an organization’s ability to meet enterprise talent acquisition priorities.  

The webinar is hosted by Talview, featuring Talview’s VP of Marketing, Cece Lee, and Talview CEO, Sanjoe Tom Jose, along with guest speaker Betsy Summers of Forrester.  

Join the webinar to learn about our findings. All registrants will receive a complimentary copy of the survey results: Enterprise Talent Acquisition Requires Effective Talent Measurement Tools.  



ERE Webinar May 2022

No More Bad Hires: Pre-hire Assessments and Their Role in Fair and Predictable Hiring

Eliminating uncertainty from the hiring process has been a top priority for organizations since time immemorial. A perennial tactic for accomplishing this has been pre-hire assessments.  

With the increase of AI in hiring and pre-hire assessments, how can talent acquisition professionals ensure that pre-hire assessments are job-related (valid) and fair (unbiased)?  

Join ERE Wednesday, May 11, at 11am PT / 2pm ET, as their panelists explore how HR and TA leaders can efficiently and fairly execute job analysis and assessments to evaluate and measure the skills, abilities, and traits required for on-the-job success. 

Key areas of discussion will include: 

  • Administering evaluations for target roles 
  • Understanding the role of AI in assessments and hiring 
  • Establishing test validity in relation to the EEOC, especially in the areas of content, construct, and criterion-related validity evidence 
  • Ensuring test fairness and mitigating adverse impacts 

 The panelists for the webinar will be: 

  • Dr. Fred Rafilson, Chief I/O Psychologist, Talview  
  • Dr. Josh Allen, Director of Global Selection and Assessment Strategy, Walmart 
  • Josh Cotton, Ph.D, Director of Talent Assessments, Honeywell 


We hope you join us for some or all of these events in the coming weeks. It’s a challenging time for HR and talent acquisition, but it’s also an amazing time to explore and embrace new technologies built with the promise of increasing access to larger pools of talent, reducing bias while boosting the speed and confidence in hiring decisions, and providing an equal opportunity to all. 

Tags: Talview News & Events

Written by: Team Talview

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