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How Video Interviews Reduce Recruiter's Workload

Published: August 19, 2016 In: Remote Hiring


In today's competitive job market, it is highly impossible to choose the right candidate by using the traditional hiring process. Recruiters Workload increases with every vacant position that opens up in the company. Recruiting new members using the traditional process is way too long and will tire you.  You need to personally interview every candidate, which takes up all your time. You need to schedule the interviews and at the same time you have to concentrate on your other responsibilities also.

It can be taxing to multitask and get quality candidates at the same time. If the interview is at a different location and you need to travel, which is a huge hassle in today's traffic - it can reduce the chances of candidate’s interest on the job interview. Even after doing all this you might not find the right candidate that you are searching for. Sometimes you cannot interview the perfect candidate as he/she is in a different city, state, or country and the  added time constraints that follows. We have come a long way in our search for the right candidates through the years. We are updating ourselves in every aspect of our life. So why not update in the hiring process also?

This is where technology comes into picture. It reduces your workload and helps in concentrating on other pressing issues.

Video interviews has been making rounds in most technologically adept companies, some keep up, some don’t. We asked our clients reasons behind using video interviews in their recruitment process:

  • Better screening: It helps you in the first round of screening the candidate. It helps you to screen your candidate not only by their CV but also by their 'soft skills'. It reduces the time as there's no need to travel and you can meet more candidates. You can record your conversations and use it later to review all the candidates and select the best fit for your company.

  • Reduce hiring time: You require a lot of time in the traditional form of hiring as it requires scheduling and conducting meetings in person. Automated interviews reduces the time-frame which is required by the current competition in the hiring process. Candidates do not wait for the you as they can find a company which has a better and faster hiring process. If you have to stay ahead in the finding the best talent then you have to be fast.

  • Save time and resources: Conducting interviews is tedious and not economical. The candidates have to take time off and also travel. You need to spend a lot of time interviewing each and every candidate, which is time consuming as you will not hire the candidate on spot most of the time. Video interviews help in reducing the cost involved for both the parties. The candidate and the recruiter can go online to the predetermined time and place which saves both time and resources.

  • Better candidate experience: The candidate's experience is one of the most important aspect in today's job market. Creating a good first impression for the candidate about the company is very important. As well as taking the candidate's needs while interviewing works in your favor. Video interviews do not need the candidate to take time off and travel for the interview. Most of the candidates prefer face to face conversation. Creating a personal conversation will greatly help in building a relationship with them.

Automated interviews also help in expanding your talent hunt around the globe as it helps you to overcome the travel, time-zones, and scheduling. You don't have to worry too much about the recruitment process.

It is innovative, cost-effective, and efficient.
So go online and hire away!!

Get in touch with our experts to learn more about video interviews.

Tags: Remote Hiring, Video Interviews

Written by: Kavya Krishna Murthy

A passionate writer and a keen learner in the field of marketing.

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