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3 Smarter Hiring Methods for Better Results

Published: August 06, 2015 In: HR Tech & AI

Intelligent Hiring

Hiring has been the backbone of all organizations. The best brains are hired through stringent analysis by various resources in the industry.

Gone are the days of traditional hiring, where job vacancies were posted in news dailies and you would mark the job listings of your choice, call up the office and fix up an interview. Today, technology is taking the world in its stride. 

It has paved way for newer and advanced methods all fields including hiring. Recruiters are moving away from traditional hiring methods and are bringing in unconventional ways to bring in more productivity as well as efficiency.

Some methods and approaches to smart hiring:

Employee Referrals - This is gaining popularity as the employees in the organization (who are well aware of the goals and objectives) bring in the talent from their resources. This works well if selection is for limited positions. In bulk recruiting, this cannot be recommended though. Here is a webinar on Best practices of Referral Hiring

Offering irresistible recruiting perks - This works well for candidates who are super talented but have a few pre-requisites like flexible timings (this works wonders for the woman workforce), accommodation, early login and early logout and the like. When the organization takes a little care in these aspects, it goes a long way in building strong bonds.

Online Video Interview - This is taking the recruitingment world by storm. Online video interviewing helps in capturing the right talent, without the obstacles of distance and logistics. A candidate can take the interview at his place of convenience if he has a computer or a Smartphone with internet access. The recruiter can check out the interview later on and also can re-run the interview for arriving at the right decisions. This is all the more relevant when the organization wants to beef up its staff in limited time. Considerable time, money and effort are saved.

Today, when the world is competitive and competition begs for talent, embracing technological advancements for the betterment of organization interests is the call of the day. Recruiting is also competitive process and no efforts must be spared in bringing in the best talent to your organization.

You can also refer to our E-Book on A-Z Toolkit in Hiring for an in-depth knowledge on how to effectively go about your recruiting.

Tags: HR Tech & AI, Recruitment Best Practices

Written by: Raghavendra K

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