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Cognitive Analytics for perfect hire in shortest time

Published: May 23, 2016 In: HR Tech & AI


What are the top recruitment problems that you know of? Or rather what are the problems disturbing your business? Long hiring time? Accuracy in hire? Inefficient candidates? What if I say, you can end all you miseries with the implementation of one single platform? Wouldn’t it be great to be the that ‘Recruiter’ everyone talks about!?

Every technology is meant to make the life easier. What if I say, the tool breaks down the JD and find best fits from internet and make a candidate pool out of it for you to select shortlisted ones.

You have just saved yourself eight days worth of hard work. Talview has just released a tool that predicts candidate insights from the digital interview by breaking down their profile and professional experience and giving an insight into his/her personality attributes based on industry validated Big Five Model, Intrinsic Needs & Values, body language, and communication skills.

Yes, all you need to do is sit back, relax and wait for the candidate analysis reports of the candidates interviewed. Won’t your hiring manager be excited to pick candidates that perfectly fits from a magic quadrant report like the one below? Talview Talent Insights leverages Talent Engagement and digital footprints to confirm candidate interest and establish the best match between the role and candidates. That’s most of your work done!

Magic QuadrantTalent insight judges candidates' technical competency and analytical ability with video proctored assessment. You can have a live video interview scheduled with the candidates of your choice from Talview. Sounds easy? It’s way lot easier once you start using it. Biggest challenge of every organization in hiring is to know how many candidates join after sending out the appointment letter.

Okay. I’m tired of trying to make your life easier! Talview gives you an insight into the probability of each candidates joining and if necessary, helps you to drive up engagement with an inbuilt talent engagement tool. Most of all, we are giving a chance to candidates to become more than just a resume. If I’m to write down the benefits of it for you, it will be:

  • Reduced Time to Hire Top Talent 
    On an average, it takes 61 Days to hire. Rolling out an offer to candidates on TTI takes ~12-20 Days.

  • Proofs of resume Fidelity
    73% candidates lie on the resume, Video Interviews & a Digital Footprint search helps you with more accurate searches.

  • Reduce cost per Hire
    It takes about $15,000 to hire for an open position. TTI can reduce the cost per hire by 50%.

  • Avoids poor performers
    26% of the candidates fall under poor performers within a year of their tenure. Talview brings a behavioral report of the candidate & helps you take multi-objective decisions.

  •  Joining Probability
    With 32% dropout rate after an offer is made, Talview’s Engagement tool shows you the Joining Probability and helps you engage with the candidates.

On a webinar by Talview Digital Video Interviews, Sanjoe Tom Jose, CEO, Talview & Gaurav Vasu, Functional HR Analytics Lead, HCL Technologies speaks on how Cognitive Analytics can help in hiring the best fit for the organization in the shortest time. Here is the deck of slides which gives you an insight into the informative and interactive webinar which took place on April 19,2016.

Refer to our E-Book on Cognitive Analytics For Perfect Hire in Shortest Time from Talview

Tags: HR Tech & AI, Recruitment Best Practices

Written by: Arun K

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