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How A LinkedIn Profile Can Give You An Extra Edge

Published: September 22, 2016 In: Interview Tips

LinkedIn Profile

A technology savvy job seeker would definitely have a LinkedIn profile, however, some of these profiles are not always up to the mark which results in them getting lesser responses online. There are certain key pointers that if kept in mind while creating the LinkedIn profile can do wonders for the job seeker.

  • A captivating headline attracts a lot more recruiters than you can imagine. Often people do not pay much heed to the headline, some do not bother putting one altogether in which case your Qualification and the last place of work comes as your headline. However, if your headline is good and accurate recruiters notice it and visit your profile.

  • Highlight on the points that set you apart from all the others focuses on projects and work experiences that showcase your talent at its best and talk about them in a little more detail than the others. This would help the recruiter in identifying your key skills and would increase your chances as well.

  • Understand the requirements of HR managers or recruiters and create your profile in accordance to that, identify if they need someone with specific abilities in a particular field or a person who can multitask and work on different segments at once.

  • The more information you can provide in your profile the more views and networking connections you will make. Instead of mentioning your designation at the previous workplace, give a brief idea of what you did at your workplace. For example don’t just mention Network Engineer, write Network Engineer in the Information Security team at Deutsche Bank.

  • Although LinkedIn is a professional platform where the information provided is strictly formal, however, one can showcase a little bit of creativity in the way they write the introduction and the details of the different profiles they have handled.

Keeping in mind all the above pointers while creating or updating your LinkedIn profile would add a little flair to your profile and grab the attention of more recruiters than before.

Also, Read LinkedIn & Video Interview: A Combination For Passive Candidate Hiring

Tags: Interview Tips

Written by: Apurva Bharadwaj

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