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How to deal with Low Performers

Published: September 13, 2016 In: Remote Hiring


Every team has a few members whose performance is not up to the mark. Dealing with such performers is the most challenging task for many managers. A manager just cannot ignore the performer as it directly affects the performance of other team members. If a manager ignores the low performer then his work needs to be completed by the other team members which add a lot of burden on the shoulders of other team members. Due to this, the performance of the whole team goes down, which proves out to be a major loss for the company. Let’s have a look at some of the methods to deal with low performers:

Understand the real problem

In certain cases, the employee is not a low performer, but due to some problem his performance goes down. Some of the possible reasons behind the poor performance of the employees may be insufficient training, higher expectations or a hectic schedule. So, sit down with your team members and discuss in brief the problems being faced by them. This conversation will make things easier for you as you will be able to find the perfect solution to the problems of the employees which will further help in improving their performance.

Give roles according to the personality

Every employee is not equal as everyone has different strengths and weaknesses. A project involves complicated as well as easy tasks. The best way to deal with low performers is to assign them easy tasks and assign complicated tasks to employees with better skills. In short, a manager needs to assign roles according to the personality for achieving success.

Opportunities to improve performance

Within a few days, a manager is able to conclude who are the best and the worst performers in the team. It’s the responsibility of a manager to communicate with the low performers and guide them in the right direction to enhance their performance. A manager should give feedback to the worst performers and prepare special plans to improve their performance. With proper guidance, low performers will able to commit fewer mistakes and as a result, their performance will be enhanced.

Stick to your policy

No firm wants to keep low performers in their company. However, if you terminate low performers without giving any chance to them, then other employees will lose interest in your company which will directly affect the company’s result. So, stick to your HR policy and provide a certain period of time to enhance their performance and if they fail to do so after several opportunities then terminate them.

Do the paperwork

Low performers might challenge your decision of terminating them on the basis of low performance in court. To protect yourself from such instances, make sure you keep a record of every employee so that you can easily prove it in the court.

Follow these methods to deal with low performers without affecting the performance of other employees. These methods will help you to successfully complete your task without any difficulty as the performance of low performers will be efficiently utilized.

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Tags: Remote Hiring, HR Tech & AI

Written by: Kavya Krishna Murthy

A passionate writer and a keen learner in the field of marketing.

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