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Is “Gamification” the new assessment game changer?

Published: August 22, 2017 In: Recruitment Best Practices

 What is gamification? Well many of us might have a basic idea as to what the term might mean, as the name evidently suggests the idea behind it. Most commonly defined, gamification is the method of using gaming layout aesthetics and mechanics alongside game thinking in scenarios that are typically not recreational. The use of gamification in the business recruitment, motivational and educational environments have grown to a greater aspect since its inception in the year 2010 by Professor Karl Kapp.

Of late, gamification in recruitment has become a means to assess candidates during the recruitment process. Assessments being a vital part of recruitments play a crucial role in deciding whether a candidate can be passed over or qualifies for the next round of the hiring process. They are imperative in judging the candidate’s persona, cognitive skill, situational judgment, technical capacity and it also helps in building a picture of the candidates drive and leverage real-life content.


While keeping assessments as the primary concern, gamification helps solve common challenges faced by recruitment teams. It helps keep the candidates engaged with interactive ways of testing, which makes it more likely to elicit genuine answers from candidates in real life scenarios, reduce the chance of distorting the accuracy of the test and prevent the likelihood of them losing interest midway. Taking into mind the data generated by these game-based assessments, research has found it to be exponentially bigger than when compared to traditional methods of testing. When paired with suitable algorithms this method of screening has been able to help assessors determine a candidate’s job-relevant traits.

Now that the concept of gamification is more familiar let's talk about how gamification is a game changer with our current generation, the Millennials. We are aware that the more interactive and exciting the work the more engaged and driven the employee, this also shows to be especially true in the case of millennials. Studies show that 71% of millennials feel disengaged and this can prove to be harmful to any company as profits grow three times faster when teams are more engaged. The current batch of youngsters out there wants to see businesses that progress and keep up with the times, just as quickly as they change. No more boring, mundane and outdated methods that once used to rule the recruitment industry. They want interactive, exciting and challenging, and this exactly where gamification of assessments comes into the picture. Gamification provides companies with a much bigger canvas for conveying more about themselves and their culture, which in turn allows the candidate to delve deeper into the company values, approach and work style.

One might question why it hasn't already hit the recruitment teams of companies by storm yet. Well here's why! Even though the idea behind gamification has potential, it is the implementation of the same that most companies are not able to grasp. Gamification isn't merely creating an assessment game, but it entails creativity and must focus on the role one is looking at for hire. It must be engaging, while at the same time not deviate from the primary task at hand, assessing the candidate's skills and if he/she is suitable for the job.

When deciding to switch to gamification, a few aspects should be kept in mind. For one, explain the process. A simple process will help candidates have a clear idea on the task at hand and assist them in understanding where their efforts will lead them. Next, make sure to keep your candidates engaged and not bored with rewards that help them move forward as incentives are always good motivators. Lastly, keep it efficient so you can draw the attention of a larger candidate pool.

In conclusion, gamification aids in an essential task of recruiters, sourcing the best talent among a group of thousands. It makes the process of elimination much faster and allows companies to test for specific skills like creativity, time management skills, drive, and innovative thinking, while still keeping the process fun and interactive. It also helps in uncovering the real behavior and capabilities of the candidate. Finally, gamification thus helps in establishing the company brand as a leader that is progressive and innovative, especially among our very own Millennials.

Talview Gamified Assessments

Tags: Recruitment Best Practices

Written by: Nadene Barboza

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