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Why Mobile Recruitment is the Future of Gen Z Hiring

Published: October 29, 2020 In: Recruitment Best Practices

58% of Glassdoor users today are looking for jobs on their phones. On top of that, 35% of job seekers say that they would prefer to apply for jobs from their phones.

Businesses today are moving towards digitization, given the competitive environment. The incomparable technological advancements in this decade have enabled the digitization of routine or long tasks such as shopping for groceries, buying furniture, and going out. Moreso, the global health crisis has pushed humans to move offices and even entire school curriculum in one small device the size of your hand.

Given the scenario, this is a great opportunity for the recruitment industry. With digital sourcing and online pre-recruitment assessments being the first steps to digital recruitment, it’s time to reinvent hiring and opt for a complete mobile recruitment process.

What is Mobile Recruitment?

Mobile recruitment refers to the form of recruitment that is done with the help of mobile or hand-held devices. A great mobile recruitment process ensures that the candidate finds and applies for a suitable job for themselves and does it all through mobile devices.

Job seekers today are more likely than ever to use their phones for job search — from searching for opportunities to researching companies and giving remote interviews. For them, a prospective employer is the one who is innovative and in sync with the latest methods of working.

According to Glassdoor, 89% of job seekers say that their mobile device is an important tool for job searching and 45% use it to search for jobs at least once a day.

With a long-overdue need to revolutionize the hiring process, mobile recruitment can prove to be a savior in the depleting talent market not just to the Human Resources department but potentially everyone from candidates to hiring managers and even the leadership teams.

On this, Haiyan Zhang, a Ph.D. in Industrial-Organizational psychologist with the IBM Smarter Workforce Institute had to say:

Mobile recruiting could improve the odds of finding top talent because of the popularity of mobile job searching among high-potential employees.

Adopting a mobile recruitment process not only allows you to stay connected with job seekers 24x7 through quick updates and notifications but also allows them to respond to new jobs or queries from recruiters in real-time.

Let us learn about the importance of mobile recruiting in 2020 in detail.

What is the Importance of Mobile Recruiting?

1. On-The-Go Recruitment to Save Time

“Convenience” was cited by 55% of people surveyed by Indeed as the core driver of mobile job search. What job seekers or people, in general, are looking for in any service they seek today is an Amazon or an Uber experience — one tap and the job is done.

Similarly, why will job seekers wait weeks or months just to find a job that does not mirror their lifestyle or what they aspire for? Recruitment should no more be an arduous or offline task that takes months of time, work, with minimal guarantee of fruitful results.

You can find many advanced remote hiring tools in the market that provide mobile solutions for each step in hiring — from screening candidates, testing their skills, scheduling and conducting interviews, reviewing profiles, to hiring the best candidate from anywhere across the globe in no time.

With recruitment automation on mobile, you can also save hours of panel time that gets wasted coordinating with a panel to come together for evaluation and to reach a consensus on candidates.

An end-to-end mobile recruitment solution must provide these capabilities

An end-to-end mobile recruitment solution must provide these capabilities

Take the example of Talview, an end-to-end digital recruitment solution that enables enterprises with mobile capabilities to hire the best talent at the tap of a finger.

You can connect with your potential candidates instantly, engage them through videos and messages, view and manage all candidate profiles along with the recruitment process history directly on your mobile with the touch of a button.

Watch how Talview offers a great mobile experience for recruiters and candidates alike in the video below.


2. Great Candidate Experience

If there’s one thing in recruitment that’s gained the attention of global organizations over the past few years, it’s the importance of a great candidate experience.

The experience candidates have after coming in contact with your company influences their perception of your culture and brand. A positive or streamlined candidate experience can convert a rejected applicant into your brand ambassador, while a bad encounter could turn them and their network into ex-customers.

Another reason for the growing attention towards candidate experience is the candidate-driven nature of the job market. Hence, companies have to provide an experience that the job seeker wants, mobile or otherwise.

You can instantly engage potential hires with your brand through mobile from the ease of the candidate’s home. A candidate can go through various steps of hiring in a familiar environment without getting anxious or worried while saving loads of time in traveling to and from the office.

Such mobile recruitment tools ensure an easy and safe test-taking experience that both the recruiter as well as the candidates love.

3. Superior Employer Branding

Another reason why companies should adopt mobile recruitment is to strengthen their employer brand. As discussed above, most job seekers search and apply for jobs on their mobile phones. Having a company website that is not mobile-friendly can leave a poor impression on job seekers and harm your application rate.

Along with that, keeping pace with the latest technology demonstrates that you care about people’s job application experience and positions you as a proactive company in the eyes of the job seeker, thereby, attracting more candidates to work for you.

An overall mobile recruiting experience would consist of having mobile applications that take care of your entire hiring process from sourcing to onboarding. One great example here would be Talview. Talview has not one, but two separate apps — one tailored for candidates and another one for recruiters.

Candidates can download and use the Talview app to give online assessments and/or video interviews whereas a recruiter can use the Talview app to screen candidates, auto-schedule their assessments and/or interviews, assign panel members for evaluation, and receive consolidated reports all in one place without the hassle of paperwork.

How To Start Mobile Recruitment in Your Organization Today

Here are a few tips for you to get started on building your organization’s mobile recruitment strategy to attract and retain the best talent.

1. Quick Candidate Screening on Mobile

Screening hundreds of candidates for a single role can be an extremely cumbersome and time-consuming task. One of the things that can help save the recruiters’ time is finding a suitable mobile solution to screen candidates from anywhere.

A mobile screening software can enable you to screen all the candidate applications and shortlist them for the next round while you wait for your coffee to brew or put on your favorite TV channel.

With some mobile solutions, you can even feed your requirements into your ATS system and let it sift through all the applications you receive to shortlist them on the basis of the benchmark you set.

In no time, you will receive a list of candidates that are auto-screened through a series of pre-set questions/qualifications and ready to be assessed for the job.

Learn about Automated Candidate Screening with Talview here.

2. Auto-Scheduling

Recruiters know how daunting the task of scheduling assessments or interview rounds can be. Hours of back and forth with candidates and the panel to fix a time when everyone can meet wastes everyone's productive time.

To cut that short, forward-thinking companies are adopting tools to help them auto-schedule meetings as per everyone’s availability. This feature is usually a part of a bigger recruitment automation software with mobile capabilities.


Auto-schedule interviews on Talview’s platform for assessments or interviews.

Auto-schedule interviews on Talview’s platform for assessments or interviews.

To take reference from a mobile-first end-to-end recruitment solution, Talview enables its users to automate their scheduling process by syncing everyone’s calendars together to find a time suitable for the candidate, the recruiter, as well as the panel members, saving everyone’s time, money, and effort.

3. Mobile Assessments Secured with Automated Proctoring

In order to attend offline pre-recruitment assessments, candidates usually have to keep their entire’s day schedule free, drive down to the recruiter’s office and drive back after the assessment. Regardless of whether they qualify or not, such an extended and inconvenient step to recruitment is better done away with.

Modern businesses today have realized the boon of online assessments and have implemented it for at least certain roles in their organization. But that’s not all. Making your online assessments mobile-friendly and secure can seal the deal.

You can find online pre-recruitment assessment tools that can enable you to conduct secure exams through hand-held devices such that the candidates can attempt them from a comfortable environment of their homes.


A candidate recording an answer via video on the Talview platform

A candidate recording an answer via video on the Talview platform

Such assessments are secured through proctoring mechanisms that ensure that the test remains authentic and cheat-free. Such remotely proctored assessments have seen a rise in recent times as being a better alternative to offline assessments.

To learn more about online proctored assessments, read our blog post on The Ultimate Guide to Safe and Secure Remote Exams.

4. Low-Bandwidth Video Interviews

As we globally come to terms with social distancing as a norm, there are tools that can help you navigate the process. And no, by online interviewing tools we do not mean video-calling applications such as Zoom or Skype. Apart from being solely for the purpose of chatting through a video call, these applications also do not function well in low internet bandwidth.

With a dedicated mobile video interviewing platform, such as Talview, you can conduct uninterrupted assessments and video interviews in areas with low internet speed. Candidates and recruiters can connect from virtually any part of the world.

Talview enables employers to hold low bandwidth video interviews for the purpose of screening as well as for the final rounds of interviews. You can conduct asynchronous video interviews where you can feed in text questions once that can be sent to any potential candidate. You can also hold live one-on-one interviews for the final selection round when the candidate is at the last step of getting hired.

With live video interviews, you can hold group discussions or multiple panel rounds without the hassle of calling all the stakeholders to your office. This saves hours of panel time and recruiters’ effort.

5. Easy Collaboration with Stakeholders

Hiring is a collaborative effort that involves waiting for a response to a job description, finding open time on the panel members’ calendars, waiting for a hiring manager to respond to repeated emails and voicemails to get a hiring decision on a candidate, et al. Meanwhile, the candidate experience suffers in the long waiting period.

A graphical representation of Talview’s Recruit App.

And when you need to go through this elaborate process for each candidate, you know you cannot escape it. This is where having a mobile recruitment process will enable you to review multiple candidates in one go and collaborate with all the stakeholders in one place.

As a candidate, it’s easier for you to have an app where you can attend assessments, get results, connect with the recruiter and the panel members for interviews, and stay on top of your application status in one place, hassle-free.

Similarly, as a recruiter, if you have one dashboard where you can access the status of each candidate for each role and get panel feedback as well, it is a massive load off of your head to keep a track of every candidate and their performance.

If that was not all, Talview goes one step further and offers feedback forms to each stakeholder after they have finished the required task. Their integration with collaboration tools such as Microsoft Teams ensures that everyone on your team knows exactly what is happening throughout the recruitment process, all via their mobiles.


Shifting to a complete mobile recruitment process is a long but rewarding process for organizations looking to hire better candidates faster. Once put in place, a mobile recruitment process can and will branch out to help recruiters and Human Resources personnel in ways that can be leveraged to transform recruitment for the future.


Tags: Recruitment Best Practices

Written by: Olivia Gomes

Olivia is a Content Marketer at Talview. She completed her graduation in English Literature and MBA specializing in HR, so she combined her two interests and now writes about HR tech updates and latest trends in the world of talent acquisition. Her other interests are traveling, writing, and deconstructing the psyche of people around her.

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