
Experience It Free

A 360° Perspective on the Perfect Candidate Experience

Published: July 07, 2016 In: Recruitment Best Practices



What’s Wrong with the Hiring Process? 
  • Hiring is a people process and like they say, “don’t put your candidates through rings of fire”.
  • Responding to all candidate applications ensures positive sentiments about your organization
  • People say, “any PR is good PR” WRONG.
  • Platforms like Glassdoor and Quora make it simple for these candidates to vent out their frustration.
How bad is the situation?
  • 52% of companies say they respond to less than half of the candidates that apply!
  • 46% of Glassdoor members are reading reviews when they have just started their job search.
  • Yes, you are saddles with a lot of technology to help you with hiring.
      • One for screening
      • One for selecting
      • One for resume parsing
      • One for background check
      • I’m sure there are more than you can count

  • Far too many to keep your hiring process centralized and keep tabs on who you have responded and who not!
  • 47% of declined offers in the second half of 2015 were due to candidates accepting other jobs.
Social Media: It’s Not Who You Tell, It’s Who Talks About You
  • Reputations aren’t just about splashy scandals that make headlines.
  • It’s better when you can corroborate with someone’s social media mentions. It carries more weightage.
  • Recommendations that has come from your social media networks, industry peers, employees, or personal friends and family.
  • Just like referrals works out for you to find quality candidates.
Interview Experience: Why Bother!
  • Over three-fourths would tell family and friends about a bad experience, 17% would post on social media 6% would blog about it!
  • Poor communication during the application process,a rude interviewer—it could all end up shared with the online world.
  • You could fix it by giving them an experience of a lifetime!
  • Video interviews has helped many organizations improve their understanding of the candidate with the feedback form and many assessments.
Inbound is Always Better!
  • HubSpot taught marketers about inbound marketing.
  • Applying that formula in recruitment also holds good.
  • Inbound job applicants makes it easier for you to sieve through and get rid of chaff.
  • 3x More Leads
  • 2x Better Retention
  • Social media has a 100% higher lead to close rate than outbound marketing.
How To Make It Happen?

Candidate Experience

The infinity loop

You offer better experience, you get better talent pool in turn employer brand improves.
This decreases time to hire. 

The 360° Study: Leveraging Video Interviews for Candidate Experience
A survey with 3000+ candidates asking them about their interview experience!

Automated Video Interviews!Automated Video Interviews

Key Features:

Proctor Checks in Place!

Video Proctor
Key Features:

  • Complete Video-Audio Recording: Video recording for the entire duration is available with audio
  • Learn Candidate Action: Track all the activities candidates performs during the test.
  • Validate: Requests made by candidates on the grounds of issues faced can be validated.
  • Face Detection
  • Track Browser Window Switch
  • Geo-tagging
  • Randomize Questions
  • Candidate Fingerpronting
  • Restriction of Test Acess
  • Block Copy-Paste Options
  • Automation Alerts

Live Interview

Live Interview

Key Features:

  • Auto schedule interviews
  • Auto triggers to reminder emails
  • Candidate and evaluator alike 

A Word From Candidates!

Candidate ExperienceAs part of our commitment to continuous improvement, we asked over 3000 applicants about their experiences with Talview Video Interview platform. The recorded responses were based on the questions we asked after they attended the interview on Talview Platform.

Social Proof that Candidate Experience is Important!

Employer Branding

Employer Branding

Recruitment Marketing for Quality Candidates

Recruitment MarketingDomino Effect of Better Candidate Experience! 

Increase the Chance of Quality Candidates 

Talent Source

Create An Impression!

Getting referrals means that the candidates/employees are impressed by the

I hope this deep dive in to the aspects of candidate experience can give you a new and fresh perspective of its' importance with industry trending technique. The choice of caring for your brand reputation solely depends on your decision. You think changing with the trend can get you a better grip in your business? Here is the key to unlock!
Save My Brand Now!

Tags: Recruitment Best Practices, Candidate Experience

Written by: Arun K

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