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Hiring with Talview: High Volume Recruitment

Published: December 27, 2020 In: HR Tech & AI

Hiring is a significant business decision. We all know that. But how do you innovate and hire in a remote-ready world? How do you ensure your candidates have a great experience while your recruiters hire faster and better? We can help!

We have come up with a comprehensive blog series, Hiring with Talview, that tells you how you can leverage Talview's AI-powered HRTech platform to hire at the speed of your best candidate! This blog post is part five of the five-part series that is sure to help you get to speed with all that Talview has to offer. For the previous part, click HERE.

Hiring with Talview

High volume recruitment

High Volume Recruitment— The Real Challenge

We've said it before, we'll say it again: Hiring can be a difficult process. With a single job vacancy receiving at least 250 resumes on average (per Glassdoor), it can be strenuous to screen all the candidates and hire the top talent. Now imagine this: Your company has a thousand open positions to fill, and you are given the responsibility of finding and on-boarding the best minds in the industry. *Gulp*

This, dear reader, is high volume recruitment. Also known as mass recruitment, it refers to filling positions on a larger scale than normal, in a shorter time frame. It could be as a result of expansion, new opportunities and projects, seasonality, or just rapid growth. 

The manual work in such a scenario can be exhausting. That's why leading HR experts across the globe believe it is high time companies leverage hiring automation solutions to ensure top-notch candidate and recruiter experience, while saving a whale of time, money and efforts. 

Let us now see how Talview, with its cutting-edge innovative technology, has excelled as a high volume hiring solutions leader in various industries.

High Volume Recruitment with Talview

We have established that high volume hiring scenarios can be daunting. It is especially true for industries like Retail, ITES, etc. that see a 24/7 hiring process as the demand for great talent is never-ending. This blog will show you how Talview helped four major leaders across industries in their mass recruitment drives, to hire the best candidates out there.

Talview for Retail

Talview for Retail

The retail industry has always known the struggles that arise from high volume recruiting first hand as they face arguably one of the highest staff turnover rates. In such a scenario, it is of utmost importance for the employers to adopt automation solutions that help hire the best candidates faster. Let's see how a leading consumer goods company providing consumer products and services in the areas of health, beauty and wellness achieved faster hiring at scale with Instahiring from Talview.

Over the past several years, the company had been looking to expand business by hiring a team of virtual, global sales representatives to increase sales around the world. Due to limited team bandwidth and geography, however, ramping up hiring was a challenge. They needed a quick and cost-effective tool to unite their recruiting and hiring teams to reach quality candidates. They saw a natural fit with Talview's Instahiring approach.

With Talview's tailor-made remotely-proctored cognitive assessments and asynchronous interview solutions, they were able to process 5,000 candidates and hire 4,250 of them successfully in 18 months. They have also solved their “Candidate No-Show” issues and taken their conversion from 50-60% to around 95-97% per week. They now have a centralized recruitment automation system to hire great employees across the world. If you're in retail and are looking for a way to speed up recruitment while ensuring a stellar quality of hire, check this out.

Talview for BFSI

Talview for BFSIBanking and Financial Services (BFSI) is one of the oldest industry sectors in the world. With stringent regulations and intense competition, the process of hunting for the right talent becomes a daunting task for the BFSI sector. The skill set requirement for this sector has changed tremendously in the past few years. And so, it is important to hire candidates who are familiar with the requirements, while also showing immense potential to keep learning with the changing times. Let us see how a global insurance leader identified the best sales talent with Talview.

The company's sales leaders had a challenge: How do they double their sales staff and pre-screen a much larger number of applicants in a short time frame while also saving money? They turned to Talview to add a new tool to their TA team that never sleeps and levels the playing field for all applicants regardless of gender, race, age, college, and other attributes: Talview Behavioral Insights (TBI)

Talview’s AI-powered talent screening and video interviewing solution captured the candidate's aptitude and behavioral traits alongside relevant technical skills. The resulting TBI report gave recruiters and hiring managers the predictive data they needed to make better bias-free decisions. The solution helped the client reduce their time to fill by 50% while ensuring a 75%+ accuracy in selecting high-performing talent. If you want to know more about fast and efficient hiring for the BFSI sector, check this out!

Talview for ITeS

Talview for ITeSIT outsourcer Harvey Nash and KPMG surveyed over 3,000 technology leaders for their annual CIO Survey and found that an astonishing 65% said that hiring challenges are hurting the industry. Some of the major challenges include the never-ending demand for talent, increasing niche roles, tight time frame, etc. To face these challenges, many firms have turned to hiring automation solutions that help find the right talent quicker. Let us see how a leading global IT services provider reduced its time to hire by 55% using Talview's innovative solutions.

For years, the client pursued campus hiring the traditional way, the pen-and-paper method. A dedicated team would scout the campuses, conduct initial screening exams, and select candidates for the next rounds (face-to-face interviews). A lot of time and
resources had to be dedicated to this conventional process. The team was looking for a cost-effective medium with advanced functionalities like Reports and Analytics, Security and proctoring, and high-quality videos. They found a natural fit in Talview’s AI-led end-to-end campus recruitment solution.

With Talview's hiring automation solutions the client were able to streamline their recruitment process, process over 3.2 million candidates, and reduce their time to hire by 55%. If you want to learn how Talview's Instahiring solution can transform the way you hire, click here.

Talview for Education & Certification

Talview for educationWhen it comes to education and certification, Talview's offerings widen. In addition to helping educational institutions hire the best talent to teach the future generation, Talview also provides education technology solutions for these institutions to test the brightest minds of today. See how a leading university in Washington conducted online admissions four times faster with Talview's Instacampus solutions.

For more than a century and a half, the institution had been admitting students by painstakingly conducting a 45-minute personal interview for every candidate. As the number of courses offered increased, so did the number of students appearing for the admission process. A lot of time was being wasted in not just scheduling the sessions but also interviewing each candidate. Using video conference platforms proved ineffective as the panelists still had to put in much effort in scheduling & evaluating them.

They were on a lookout for a cost-effective tool that can ease their admission process by capturing student responses via video logs while also enabling the panelists to review the answers at their convenience. They saw a natural fit with Talview. With Talview's Instacampus solutions, they were able to have an easily scalable standardized admissions process that provided a better digitized experience to the panel members and the digitally native GenZ students. If you want to learn more about how Talview can help you securely deliver your next course, admissions, or certification exam, click here.

With this, we have come to the end of our Hiring with Talview series. You can find the first four parts here:

Learn more about our award-winning hiring automation solutions by talking to our experts today!

Tags: HR Tech & AI, Recruitment Best Practices, Hiring With Talview

Written by: Ankitha A

Ankitha is a Post-Graduate in Journalism & Mass Communication currently working as a Content Marketer at Talview Inc. She also specializes in social media management and event strategizing. When she is not writing, she loves spending her time cooking, traveling, or learning new things. You can follow her by clicking the buttons below.

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